Fisheries Scientists to Reap Benefits from New NOAA Satellite


Environmental satellites are a forecaster’s best friend. Orbiting high above the planet, these “eyes in the sky” watch for extreme weather and climate conditions that threaten lives and property.

Environmental satellites are a forecaster’s best friend. Orbiting high above the planet, these “eyes in the sky” watch for extreme weather and climate conditions that threaten lives and property.

But meteorologists aren’t the only ones who rely on these spacecraft. Marine biologists, fishery managers, and coastal habitat planners need satellites to track changes in ocean color and spikes in ocean temperature--important clues in understanding where marine animals live, spawn, and feed. In turn, that information can be used by scientists and managers to sustain marine resources for generations to come.

In photos, see how NOAA Fisheries will benefit from the new Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS-1), which launched November 18, 2017.


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Image via NOAA.