A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.
Big Leap Forward for Environmentally Friendly ‘E-Textiles’ Technology
A research team led by the University of Southampton and UWE Bristol has shown wearable electronic textiles (e-textiles) can be both sustainable and biodegradable.
More and Stronger Marine Heatwaves in the Arctic – With Severe Consequences
Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense. The Arctic Ocean also suffers from this development: The absence of sea ice will lead to more extreme fluctuations in ocean temperatures, with abrupt temperature changes occurring at unprecedented rates.
New Plant Species
Plant collections are full of surprises.
Marked Decrease in Arctic Pressure Ridges
In the Arctic, the old, multiyear ice is increasingly melting, dramatically reducing the frequency and size of pressure ridges.
Ghana’s Declining Forest Reserves
In southwestern Ghana, a patchwork of tropical forest lies among widespread farmland dotted with towns.