Are Aluminum Bottles Greener than Glass?

Aluminum as a substitute for glass bottles has been inching its way into the consumer experience in the last few years, most notably in the US in the form of beer bottles from Anheuser-Busch and Iron City Beer, a popular regional brand founded in Pittsburgh. Coca-cola has also announced plans to roll out aluminum bottles in this country, though only in limited venues.

Aluminum as a substitute for glass bottles has been inching its way into the consumer experience in the last few years, most notably in the US in the form of beer bottles from Anheuser-Busch and Iron City Beer, a popular regional brand founded in Pittsburgh. Coca-cola has also announced plans to roll out aluminum bottles in this country, though only in limited venues.

Now Rexam, one of the world’s largest consumer packaging companies, has developed a lighter, resealable aluminum bottle that it hopes will replace glass bottles for many beverages, including wine.


The conclusion? Locally bottled beers are best served in glass, especially if your town has a strong glass recycling program. On the other hand, if you drink ales that hail from across state or national borders, aluminum cans are the way to go. Presumably this applies to the slightly heavier aluminum bottles, if and when they arrive in bars and supermarkets en masse.

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