Thinking 'Glocally' About Water Scarcity: Why We Need to Act Now


What if walking three hours to get water was a first-world problem?

What if walking three hours to get water was a first-world problem?

It’s easy to forget how accessible some basic resources are to us. For example, in many Western countries, including the United States, we have the privilege of turning on the faucet for access to clean drinking water. Thus, most of our time can be allocated to our jobs, school or raising families, instead of constantly trying to procure resources to sustain ourselves.

For many global citizens, a basic human right is drying up. Without significant changes, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) reports that two-thirds of the world’s population is expected to be living under “severe water stress conditions” by 2025. The situation in certain areas is even more dire. In 20 African countries, more than 30 percent of the population does not have access to clean water today.

My home country, Kenya, is experiencing a water crisis. The citizens in rural Kenya aren’t afforded the privilege of simply walking to the faucet if they’re thirsty; instead, they hike.

Read more at Triple Pundit

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