Among 'Green' Energy, Hydropower is the Most Dangerous


Many governments are promoting a move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. However, in a study published today, scientists highlight some of the ecological dangers this wave of ‘green’ energy poses.

Many governments are promoting a move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. However, in a study published today, scientists highlight some of the ecological dangers this wave of ‘green’ energy poses.

“We know that burning fossil fuels is damaging the environment and warming the climate,” said Dr. Luke Gibson, Honorary Assistant Professor of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. “But there are also dangers from the global proliferation of solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams.”

The scientists compared the environmental impacts of hydro, solar, and wind energy. Hydropower does the most damage, the scientists found.

“Hydropower has degraded some of the most biologically rich habitats on our planet,” said Professor William Laurance from James Cook University in Australia.

Read more at The University of Hong Kong

Image: Brazil has the 2nd largest hydropower capacity (after China), and generates more than 70% of its electricity from hydropower. Tucuruí Dam was the first major hydroelectric dam in the Brazilian Amazon, and is currently the world’s fifth largest power station. Although considered 'green' energy, hydropower produces substantial amounts of greenhouse gases and has destroyed some of the most pristine habitats around the planet - especially in tropical rainforests. (Credit: Museu Virtual de Tucuruí)