7-Eleven Wrapping Nature’s Naturally Wrapped Fruit

There are so many great things about bananas. In addition to being an important source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, they’re naturally wrapped, so companies that sell them don’t have to worry about packaging. That is, unless that company is 7-Eleven.

There are so many great things about bananas. In addition to being an important source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, they’re naturally wrapped, so companies that sell them don’t have to worry about packaging. That is, unless that company is 7-Eleven.

Last month, 7-Eleven tested a new plastic wrap to keep single bananas yellow and firm for five days (more than double the two-day shelf like for unwrapped bananas), according to an article from ABC news.

This is no small matter, as the chain will sell more than 27 million bananas this year. That means 27 million individual plastic wrappers that are entirely unnecessary. But the question is, who is the culprit here?

Article continues: http://www.triplepundit.com/2009/11/7-eleven-wrapping-nature%E2%80%99s-naturally-wrapped-fruit/