Mother's Day and Environmental Stewardship

Today children and families around the US and other countries will be celebrating their love for their mothers. Along with the flowers, brunches and cakes this Mother’s Day, take a minute to recognize important environmental issues affecting the well-being of mothers and their children in this country and around the world. On the environmental front here at home in the United States, it is well-known that pesticides and other chemicals make their way into many products that we eat, drink, keep in our homes, and even use on our bodies. In the United States, a 2012 study was conducted to take a closer look at a common insecticide used to treat fruits and vegetables. “Chlorpyrifos” is a pesticide that is often applied to products in order to kill insects. In this study, exposure of pregnant mothers to this chemical was linked to slight changes in the brains of small children. We should support organic and local farming, and also advocate for women who work in agricultural settings. Worldwide, there are even more challenging environmental issues affecting mothers-to-be.