The Next Great Urban Vehicle

Many of the frustrations that come from living in big cities are ultimately tied to our vehicles. Dirty and dusty air, foggy skies, crowded streets, fights over parking spots and traffic jams can all damper our moods. For many, other methods of personal transportation, such as bicycles and Segways, have become preferred solutions. Taking easy transportation into a new direction, Israeli-native Amir Ziad invented a personal transportation vehicle called muvE that picks up where the Segway and the electric scooter left off.

Many of the frustrations that come from living in big cities are ultimately tied to our vehicles. Dirty and dusty air, foggy skies, crowded streets, fights over parking spots and traffic jams can all damper our moods.


For many, other methods of personal transportation, such as bicycles and Segways, have become preferred solutions. Taking easy transportation into a new direction, Israeli-native Amir Ziad invented a personal transportation vehicle called muvE that picks up where the Segway and the electric scooter left off.

The muvE is basically a scooter that can fold into a trolley, making it an optimal vehicle for urban transport.

Ziad began thinking about altering personal transportation while he studied and worked as an automobile designer in Italy. Living in Milan and working in Turin for big names like Ferrari, Fiat and Pininfarina, Ziad commuted a total of seven hours every day, with most of his time spent stuck in big-city traffic. Despite his love for cars, and nice ones at that, Ziad realized that personal and portable methods of transportation could possibly eliminate the need for large vehicles in the urban setting, taking the traffic jams with them.

Fast forward one year, and Ziad was creating a prototype for muvE with familiar tools from the automobile industry. "Traveling inside highly-populated urban areas is very difficult and complicated, wasting lots of time and money. Basically, I wanted to create a simple method of transportation that people can carry with them from place to place," Ziad tells NoCamels.

muvE's potential edge over other personal transportation methods would be its portability factor. Segways, at 50 kg, are rather bulky and not cheap, "nearly the price of a small car", as Ziad put it, while electric bicycles and scooters are also heavy and can only be awkwardly folded into a cartable forms.

The muvE can be folded into a trolley, with a foldable third back wheel for added stability and will weigh between 12-15 kg. Ziad says the muvE will cost about $2,000- $3,000 once it hits the market.

Currently, there is a prototype for a basic model with a personalized exterior and battery power (according to Ziad, urban travelers only really need enough for 10 kilometers a day), but an updated vehicle, with a cellular controlled mechanism is already in the works.

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muvE image image courtesy of NoCamels.