Port development threatens Jamaican Iguana comeback

The story of the Jamaican iguana (Cyclura collie) is one of adversity and resurgence. Once believed extinct, the species has made a remarkable comeback over the last two decades. However, according to concerned scientists, a new plan to build a massive port in the iguana's habitat could push the species back to the edge of extinction.

The story of the Jamaican iguana (Cyclura collie) is one of adversity and resurgence. Once believed extinct, the species has made a remarkable comeback over the last two decades. However, according to concerned scientists, a new plan to build a massive port in the iguana's habitat could push the species back to the edge of extinction.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Jamaican iguana was thought to survive only on the Goat Islands off the Saint Catherine Coast within Jamaica's Portland Bight Protected Area. The islands were home to the iguana until the 1940s, when the population was believed to have become extinct. However, the species was rediscovered three decades later by a hunter's dog in the dry tropical forest of the Hellshire Hills, also located in the Portland Bight Protected Area.

After its rediscovery, Jamaican and international scientists from The San Diego Zoo Institute of Conservation Research and the Hope Zoo of Kingston, Jamaica drew up a rehabilitation plan, known as the Jamaica Iguana Recovery Plan. A central focus of the recovery effort involved removing hatchlings from nests, rearing them in captivity, and then repatriating the adults to the Hellshire Hills. As a result, the number of females laying eggs at monitored nesting areas increased six-fold from eight in 1991 to 50 in 2013.

Since 1996, the Hope Zoo has released 155 iguanas on Goat Island and the Hellshire Hills. By most conservation and rehabilitation standards, the Jamaican Iguana Recovery Plan has been exemplary. Yet, as the species begins to show signs of ecological resurgence, a new plan to build a port in its ecosystem has put it in danger once again.

"From what we do know, it was planned so as to accommodate the new, large container ships, and was to be much larger than the area of the combined Goat Islands," said Byron Wilson, a conservation ecologist from the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica. "Hence, the scale of the development would appear to be so great that it would turn the surrounding area into another Kingston Harbour, at the very least."

Kingston harbor is the seventh largest natural port in the world, and Jamaica's premier port. The harbor has continually struggled with waste and pollution problems, and environmentalists are concerned that a second port would only worsen the issue.

Read more at ENN affiliate, Mongabay.

Jamaican Iguana image via My Island-Jamaica. Map of Jamaica via Caribbean-events.com. Images combined by Robin Blackstone.