Cut European Short-Haul Flights to Dramatically Reduce Emissions According to New Research


New data curated by scientists at The University of Manchester has found that the main culprit for aviation emissions across the connected continent of Europe is countless short journey flights.

The research, recently published in journal Transportation Research, identified that a large number of flights over distances of less than 300 miles between city pairs with existing public transport connections are a key contributor of harmful emissions.

In the month before the significant COP26 conference which is putting the climate crisis at the forefront of world leaders’ agendas these findings present a clear opportunity to curb unnecessary pollution on the path toward Net Zero carbon targets.

Lead author of the research, Antonino Filippone, said: “Aviation authorities and airlines have an opportunity to review the frequency of these routes, to reduce emissions, optimise networks, reduce congestion and contribute positively to environmental sustainability.”

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Image via University of Manchester