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Bird Flu Stays Stable on Milking Equipment for at Least One Hour, Pitt Research Finds

With the spread of bird flu, or H5N1 virus, to dairy cattle, new research from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Emory University in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases shows that the virus remains stable on commercial milking equipment for at least one hour, increasing its potential to infect people and other animals.

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El Niño Forecasts 18 Months Using New UH-Developed Tool

As more attention is drawn to possible severe weather around the world scientists at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa are looking to improve planning for possible droughts, floods and other scenarios. 

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Clean Water Act Leaves About 55% of Water Flowing Out of Rivers Vulnerable to Pollution, New Study Suggests

The Supreme Court ruled last year that rivers that only flow in response to weather events—called ephemeral streams—do not fall under the protection of the Clean Water Act. 

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Surprising Phosphate Finding in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample

Early analysis of the asteroid Bennu sample returned by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission has revealed dust rich in carbon, nitrogen, and organic compounds, all of which are essential components for life as we know it.

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For Many Urban Residents, It’s Even Hotter Than Their Weather App Says

There’s a strong chance that last week’s scorching temperatures were even hotter than reported for those living in underserved urban areas.

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Common Plastics Could Passively Cool and Heat Buildings with the Seasons

In an article published June 27 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science, they report that by restricting radiant heat flows between buildings and their environment to specific wavelengths, coatings engineered from common materials can achieve energy savings and thermal comfort that goes beyond what traditional building envelopes can achieve.

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Pacific Cod Can’t Rely on Coastal Safe Havens for Protection During Marine Heat Waves, OSU Study Finds

During recent periods of unusually warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, young Pacific cod in near shore safe havens where they typically spend their adolescence did not experience the protective effects those areas typically provide, a new Oregon State University study found.

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Printed Sensors in Soil Could Help Farmers Improve Crop Yields and Save Money

University of Wisconsin–Madison engineers have developed low-cost sensors that allow for real-time, continuous monitoring of nitrate in soil types that are common in Wisconsin.

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New Twists on Tornadoes: Earth Scientist Studies Why U.S. has so Sany Tornadoes

Across the Midwest during the warmer months, studying the sky for signs of storms and tornadoes becomes one of the most popular pastimes.

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Comprehensive Science Review Shows Fuel Treatments Reduce Future Wildfire Severity

There is a common belief that prescribed burning, thinning trees, and clearing underbrush reduce risks of the severity of future fires. 

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