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Extensive ice cap once covered sub-antarctic island of South Georgia

A new study reveals the sub-antarctic island of South Georgia – famous for its wildlife – was covered by a massive ice cap during the last ice age.


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World's First Fluorescent Frog Found in the Amazon

Scientists have discovered the world’s first known naturally fluorescent amphibian — the South American polka-dot tree frog.

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China's Severe Winter Haze Tied to Climate Change

China's severe winter air pollution problems may be worsened by changes in atmospheric circulation prompted by Arctic sea ice loss and increased Eurasian snowfall – both caused by global climate change.

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California Deserts In 'Super Bloom' Thanks To A Wet Winter

In some parts of the country, cold weather is threatening crops. Meanwhile, California has been so unseasonably wet that its deserts are experiencing what's called a "super bloom." After years of drought, the normally arid desert is lush.

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New UN Report Blames Pesticides for Food Insecurity

The United Nations says it’s time to overturn the myth that pesticides can feed the world and come up with better, safer ways of producing our food.

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Wi-fi on rays of light: 100 times faster, and never overloaded

Slow wi-fi is a source of irritation that nearly everyone experiences. Wireless devices in the home consume ever more data, and it’s only growing, and congesting the wi-fi network. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology have come up with a surprising solution: a wireless network based on harmless infrared rays. The capacity is not only huge (more than 40Gbit/s per ray) but also there is no need to share since every device gets its own ray of light. This was the subject for which TU/e researcher Joanne Oh received her PhD degree with the ‘cum laude’ distinction last week.

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Skilled Workers More Prone to Mistakes When Interrupted

Expertise is clearly beneficial in the workplace, yet highly trained workers in some occupations could actually be at risk for making errors when interrupted, indicates a new study by two Michigan State University psychology researchers.

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Astronomers observe a dying red giant star's final act

Using a powerful telescope, scientists view spiral pattern of gaseous emissions around LL Pegasi and its companion star.

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Stanford scientists reveal how grass developed a better way to breathe

Grasses are better able to withstand drought or high temperatures than many other plants in large part due to changes in their pores, called stomata. Stanford scientists have discovered how grasses produce these altered pores, which could someday lead to crops that can better survive climate change.

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Why water splashes: new theory reveals secrets

New research from the University of Warwick generates fresh insight into how a raindrop or spilt coffee splashes.

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