A research team led by the University of Oxford has carried out the most comprehensive assessment to date of how logging and conversion to oil palm plantation affect tropical forest ecosystems.
A new study published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences has found that ocean warming in 2024 has led to new record high temperatures.
Whether it’s the meeting room of an office building, the exhibition room of a museum or the waiting area of a government office, many people gather in such places, and quickly the air becomes thick.
Scientists have discovered how plants adapt their root systems in drought conditions to grow steeper into the soil to access deeper water reserves.
Elderberry juice may be a potent tool for weight management and enhancing metabolic health, according to a recent Washington State University-led study.
Birds make sounds to communicate, whether to find a potential mate, ward off predators, or just sing for pleasure.
Researchers in Japan have found that the taller the Japanese black pine trees (Pinus thunbergii) along the coast, the deeper their roots go into the ground.
New research links intensifying wet and dry swings to the atmosphere’s sponge-like ability to drop and absorb water.
An international team led by McGill University researchers has devised a way to improve the accuracy of climate change models for the Global South by integrating historical records kept by missionaries and other visitors.
Tracking coyote movement in metropolitan areas shows the animals spend lots of time in natural settings, but a new study suggests the human element of city life has a bigger impact than the environment on urban coyote survival.
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