Interfaith Power & Light: A Religious Response to Environmental Issues

Interfaith Power & Light is an organization of 10,000 churches, synagogues, mosques and temples covering the religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, defines itself as "a national religious response to global warming, promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation." IP&L’s efforts combine the power of the pulpit and practical support. From the pulpit rabbis, ministers, priest and imams are delivering a call to action for people of faith to defend the earth.

Interfaith Power & Light (IP&L) is an organization of 10,000 churches, synagogues, mosques and temples covering the religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, defines itself as "a national religious response to global warming, promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation." Its enrolled 10,000 congregations cover 30 states.

IP&L’s efforts combine the power of the pulpit and practical support. From the pulpit rabbis, ministers, priest and imams are delivering a call to action for people of faith to defend God’s green earth. The IP&L’s practical actions are focused upon helping the church, synagogue, mosque or temple and its members use energy more efficiently.

IP&L provides guest ministers, priests, rabbis or imams to address a congregation on issues of faith and individual environmental responsibility. On its website you can download their legislative factsheets and priorities. IPL also offers information and price discounts on Energy Star appliances, higher efficiency lighting and water conservation technology.

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