Warming Atlantic Waters Lure Mackerel North and East

The distribution of Atlantic mackerel is shifting north, east and into shallower waters in response to warming ocean temperatures and changing oceanographic and other environmental changes, a finding that may have significant implications for U.S. commercial and recreational mackerel fisheries, according to research from NOAA marine scientists.

The distribution of Atlantic mackerel is shifting north, east and into shallower waters in response to warming ocean temperatures and changing oceanographic and other environmental changes, a finding that may have significant implications for U.S. commercial and recreational mackerel fisheries, according to research from NOAA marine scientists.


Sensitive to changes in water temperature, Atlantic mackerel migrate long distances to feed and breed. Found in Atlantic waters from Cape Hatteras in the south to Newfoundland in the north, they play a central role in the marine food web, feeding primarily on small crustaceans and plankton while being preyed upon by a wide variety of species.

The overwintering population of the species' Northwest Atlantic stock has shifted from deeper waters off the continental shelf to shallower waters on the shelf where there is now a greater area in their preferred temperature range. In all, this population has shifted some 250 kilometers (~155 miles) north and about 50 kilometers (~30 miles) east between 1968-2008, according to researchers from NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC).

"Our findings suggest that both the commercial and recreational Atlantic mackerel fisheries in the United States will probably be faced with more variable resource conditions in the future in terms of the winter distribution of the stock," study co-author Jon Hare said. "The continental shelf is warming, increasing the area over which the stock can be distributed, while at the same time the distribution of the stock is shifting northward."

There's plenty of Atlantic mackerel about at present to satisfy commercial and recreational fisheries, but the shift in population distribution is likely to make it more difficult to find and catch Atlantic mackerel during the traditional late winter-early spring season, according to the researchers, whose study is published online in the American Fisheries Society journal, "Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management and Ecosystem Science."

Article continues: http://globalwarmingisreal.com/2011/08/16/warming-atlantic-waters-lure-mackerel-north-and-east/