Los profesores Jesse Thé y Roydon Fraser de la Universidad de Waterloo están iniciando un estudio sobre la posible causa de la larga pausa de 10 años en el calentamiento global. Esta es una entrevista con el Prof. Thé, quien es también Editor en Jefe de ENN. ENN: ¿Qué está causando esta larga pausa de 10 años en el aumento medio de la temperatura global? Prof. Thé: En primer lugar, tenga en cuenta que la última década fue la más caliente registrada. Mientras que las temperaturas máximas no están aumentando tan rápido, no estamos viendo una pausa real en el aumento de temperatura, sino sólo una reducción significativa en su tasa de crecimiento. En segundo lugar, los investigadores no están seguros, y nuestro trabajo en esta etapa sólo se puede ubicar en el método científico como una hipótesis. Hasta que desarrollemos el análisis completo, todos mis puntos de vista en esta entrevista se basan en la hipótesis de que la pausa en el aumento de la temperatura es causada por la formación de aerosoles formados por la quema masiva de carbón en China (50% del consumo mundial de carbón) y la India.
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This week, on July 15, NASA's Aura satellite celebrated its 10th anniversary. Happy belated, Aura! The mission of Aura, which is Latin for breeze, centers on obtaining measurements of ozone, aerosols and key gases throughout the atmosphere. And after one decade in space, the satellite has provided vital data about the cause, concentrations and impact of major air pollutants.
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Californians who waste water will have to pay up to $500 a day for their extravagance under new restrictions approved Tuesday by the State Water Resources Control Board. The move comes after the board concluded that voluntary conservation measures have failed to achieve the 20 percent reduction in water use that Gov. Jerry Brown was hoping for, reports The Associated Press. In fact, a survey by the board showed a 1 percent increase in water use in May compared to the same month a year ago.
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Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and partner organizations are launching a major field project across the northern Front Range of Colorado this month to track the origins of summertime ozone, an invisible but harmful pollutant. The researchers will use specially equipped aircraft, mobile radars, balloon-mounted sensors, and sophisticated computer simulations to measure local and far-flung pollution sources. Results from the month-long study will provide needed information to officials seeking to ensure that air in the region is healthy to breathe.
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When it rains, where does the water go? Well for one, a lot of rainwater will funnel its way off roads and impermeable surfaces and will make its way into storm sewers. Another path might be directly into rivers and lakes. Or, rainwater might get soaked up by soil where it will then infiltrate into the ground and replenish aquifers. But just how deep does this rainwater infiltrate? According to new research, rainwater can penetrate below the Earth's fractured upper crust - which is at least eight miles below the Earth's surface!
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Ok, no surprise to see Washington, D.C. or San Francisco ranked high in a list of the cities with America's greenest buildings. But Atlanta? Georgia's capital was the only southern state to make the top ten in the 2014 U.S. Clean Tech Leadership Index, released July 15 by Clean Edge. The cleantech research firm tracks the cleantech progress of the 50 largest metro areas and the 50 states.
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