• NASA Sees Typhoon Sanvu's Large Eye

    Typhoon Sanvu developed an eye that was about 28 nautical-miles wide when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed overhead and captured an image.

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  • NASA Sees Powerful Thunderstorms in Tropical Storm Lidia's Center

    The Eastern Pacific Ocean's potential tropical cyclone has developed into Tropical Storm Lidia. NASA's Aqua satellite observed some very high, towering thunderstorms in two areas of the storm and because of its close proximity to land, warnings are already in effect for areas in Mexico.

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  • Satellite Eyes Tropical Storm Irma Swirling in Eastern Atlantic

    NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed over Tropical Storm Irma in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and captured a visible image of the storm on the move.

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  • Antarctic marine life may grow faster in a warming world

    A team of scientists has discovered that a 1°C rise in local sea temperature has massive impacts on an Antarctic marine community. These new results are published this week (31 August) in the journal Current Biology, and enable researchers to better understand the biological implications of the future ocean warming predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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  • USGS Crews Measure Record Flooding in South-Central Texas

    As of this morning, 57 USGS streamgages are over National Weather Service flood levels, and water continues to rise at 118 gauges throughout Texas.  

    Seventeen USGS field crews are measuring high flood flows and verifying streamgage operations on the Colorado, Brazos, San Jacinto and Trinity River basins. Preliminary data show record high flood levels were measured at 16 locations throughout the greater Houston area. Accessing specific locations has proved challenging due to road closures and many sites being flooded at levels too dangerous to measure at this time.

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  • Teachers tackle ocean acidification with the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

    Ocean acidification can be a daunting topic to cover in the classroom, but for Washington state’s coastal communities, the issue is often personal.

    Ocean acidification can be a daunting topic to cover in the classroom, but for Washington state’s coastal communities, the issue is often personal. In 2005, billions of oysters died along the Northwest coast, and NOAA scientist Richard Feeley and other North American scientists have linked this and other shellfish die-offs deaths to falling ocean pH1. According to Washington State’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification, Washington’s ocean waters are specifically susceptible to ocean acidification because of coastal upwelling. This brings water that is low in pH and rich in carbon dioxide up from the deep ocean and onto the continental shelf. Ocean acidification, also exacerbated by nutrient runoff and local carbon emissions, threatens Washington’s marine environment, the state and local economies, and tribes.

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  • GPM Satellite Sees Tropical Storm Irma Forming Near Cape Verde Islands

    The National Hurricane Center (NHC) upgraded a low pressure area in the far eastern Atlantic Ocean to tropical storm Irma on August 30, 2017 at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC).

    Tropical cyclones that form in that part of the Atlantic Ocean are often the largest and most powerful hurricanes of the season. Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Isabel (2003), Hugo (1989) and Allen (1980) are examples of past powerful hurricanes that formed near the Cape Verde islands.

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  • Volcanic Eruptions Drove Ancient Global Warming Event

    Warming event that took place 56 million years ago led to significant ecological disruption and could shed light on modern climate change.

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  • NASA Sees Fourteenth Eastern Pacific Ocean Potential Tropical Cyclone

    Potential tropical cyclone 14E of the Eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season appeared to be coming together off the southwestern coast of Mexico. NASA’s Aqua satellite captured temperature data on the storm that is producing torrential rains over southwestern Mexico.

    Because of the large system’s proximity to land, it has spawned warnings and watches. A Hurricane Watch is in effect from Puerto Cortes to Los Barriles, Mexico. A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for Todos Santos to Los Barriles, and a Tropical Storm Watch is in effect from north of Los Barriles to San Evaristo, Mexico.

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  • NASA Shows How Harvey Saturated Areas in Texas

    NASA analyzed the soil moisture in southeastern Texas before and after Harvey made landfall and found the ground was already somewhat saturated. NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP Satellite provided a night-time look at Harvey after it moved into the Gulf of Mexico, and NOAA’s GOES East satellite provided a look at the storm after it made its final landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border on Aug. 30.

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