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Good Timing: UNLV Study Unravels How Our Brains Track Time

Ever hear the old adage that time flies when you’re having fun?

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Illinois Studies Explore Converting Wastewater to Fertilizer With Fungal Treatment

Creating fertilizers from organic waste can help reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and promote sustainable production. 

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Sea Ice’s Cooling Power Is Waning Faster Than Its Area of Extent

A shift in Antarctica’s melting trends and slushy Arctic ice pushes warming from changing sea ice toward the upper limits of climate model estimates.

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Logged Forests Can Still Have Ecological Value – If Not Pushed Too Far

Researchers have analysed data from 127 studies to reveal ‘thresholds’ for when logged rainforests lose the ability to sustain themselves.

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Forests Endure as Carbon Sink Despite Regional Pressures

Despite facing regional threats like deforestation and wildfires, the world's forests continue to be a powerful weapon in the fight against climate change. 

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Discovery of a Hybrid Lineage Offers Clues to How Trees Adapt to Climate Change

The discovery of a hybrid population of poplar trees in western Wyoming has provided insight into how natural hybridization informs the evolution of many plant species, according to a team led by Penn State researchers. 

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The Most Endangered Fish Are the Least Studied

The most threatened reef fishes are also the most overlooked by scientists and the general public. 

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Although Tiny, Peatland Microorganisms Have a Big Impact on Climate

Polyphenols are a diverse group of organic compounds produced by plants. 

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Loss of Oxygen in Lakes and Oceans a Major Threat to Ecosystems, Society, and Planet

Rensselaer researcher links aquatic deoxygenation with the broader stability of Earth’s systems.

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Dragonflies Reveal Surprising Insights into Mercury Pollution

A new study has unveiled surprising findings about mercury pollution: where it comes from and how it moves through the environment varies significantly depending on the ecosystem. 

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