EarthNews Radio:

There is a significant movement in the finance world known as "socially responsible investing"; that is, investors who look for business opportunities that have a positive impact on the earth as well as the bottom line.

There is a significant movement in the finance world known as "socially responsible investing"; that is, investors who look for business opportunities that have a positive impact on the earth as well as the bottom line.

Jerry Kay spoke to Mark Bernhard, who is with, a project of Capital Group Communications:

Bernhard described a bowl made of limestone and cornstarch that is completely biodegradable, that you could safely eat because it's completely inert. The bowl, if buried, would actually help the soil because it's alkaline-based. He says that products like this could replace those made from polystyrene once they become competitively priced. Bernhard says that "polystyrene is clogging up our landfills and polluting the earth."

EarthShell is the maker of the bowl, and one of the companies featured by FocusEarth. EarthShell also makes wrapping paper that is designed from natural products, will biodegrade in 2-4 weeks, and yet will not allow oil from greasy food to pass through.


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