When stars collide


Wrap your mind around this: Neutron stars, the collapsed cores of once-large stars, are thought to be so dense that a teaspoon of one would weigh more than Mount Everest.

These are the kind of amazing astrophysical features that help fuel the research interests of Professor John Bally of the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, who studies the formation of stars and planets (including luminous, transient objects in space).

Wrap your mind around this: Neutron stars, the collapsed cores of once-large stars, are thought to be so dense that a teaspoon of one would weigh more than Mount Everest.

These are the kind of amazing astrophysical features that help fuel the research interests of Professor John Bally of the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, who studies the formation of stars and planets (including luminous, transient objects in space).

This week’s history-making news that a team of international scientists had discovered the first-ever evidence of the collision of two neutron stars—in the form of both gravity waves and electromagnetic waves—rocked well beyond the science world.

Bally was a co-author on two of the published studies, including one in Science magazine, describing the event. The new evidence builds on the first detection of gravitational waves in 2015, which scientists call the ripples in the fabric of space-time that are caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the universe.


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Photo via NASA.