Turning Back The Tide Of Flooding


Texas A&M landscape architecture professor Galen Newman is seeking solutions to devastating flood events.

Flooding is the most disruptive natural hazard in the U.S. It’s also an issue of great significance in Texas, where the Gulf Coast region is home to 7 million people — a population greater than 35 of the U.S. states.

The potential for another Hurricane Harvey-like disaster is ever-present. The hurricane’s catastrophic damage, spread across a 49-county area, ranged in the hundreds of billions of dollars; the damage was exacerbated by decades of development in low- lying coastal areas.

The best response to flooding is a coordinated group of local, regional and national-scale, evidence-based solutions, said Galen Newman, an associate professor in Texas A&M University’s Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and director of the Center for Housing and Urban Development.

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