New Push to Clean Up E-Waste, Oil Spills


Mounting waste from computers and electronic devices is the focus of a multi-faceted attack on environmental degradation being led by Flinders University and its commercial partner as part of two major new federally funded research projects.

Mounting waste from computers and electronic devices is the focus of a multi-faceted attack on environmental degradation being led by Flinders University and its commercial partner as part of two major new federally funded research projects.

The almost $1.6 million collaboration with Clean Earth Technologies, backed by two major Australian Research Council Linkage Project grants awarded by the Australian Government, will help to establish a pilot printed circuit board recycling plant in Adelaide – and ramp up production of world-leading polysulfide polymers which assist environmental recovery.

The first grant (ARC LP200301660) will expand production of novel polymer technologies for oil spill remediation and slow-release fertilisers developed by the Chalker Laboratory at Flinders University in South Australia.

After small-scale trials, the polysulfide polymers invented by a research team led by organic chemist Associate Professor Justin Chalker, are set to be manufactured in tonne-scale production in Adelaide for customers in Australia and overseas.

Read more at Flinders University

Photo Credit: andreahuyoff via Pixabay