Bees Get Week Early Wakeup Call From Warming Climate


Warmer springs are causing British bees to wake up earlier, a new study has found, threatening the pollination of crops such as apples and pears.

Warmer springs are causing British bees to wake up earlier, a new study has found, threatening the pollination of crops such as apples and pears.

The research – which is believed to be the largest of its kind in Great Britain – found that for every 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature caused by climate change, wild bees, such as bumblebees, emerge from their nests 6.5 days earlier on average.

As spring starts earlier and bees emerge closer to the start of the year, they may lose sync with the plants on which they depend, meaning there may be less food for them to consume. This means bees may not have the energy to pollinate crops effectively, or may miss crop blossom completely.

PhD researcher Chris Wyver, of the University of Reading’s School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, led the study, which is published today (Monday, 10 July) in Ecology and Evolution.

He said: “Rising temperatures are making life tougher for bees. Warmer conditions mean bees emerge from hibernation earlier, but there may not be enough food to provide energy for them when they start buzzing about.

Read more at University of Reading

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