Island Birds More Adaptable Than Previously Thought


Scientists still don’t fully understand the consequences that pollution and climate change can have on the world around us. 

Scientists still don’t fully understand the consequences that pollution and climate change can have on the world around us. Now, a new peer-reviewed study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society examining bird populations living on islands shows we may know even less than previously thought.

“Usually, one predicts that there should be fewer species of birds living in agricultural areas where trees have been removed and the land manipulated than in natural habitats like forests,” said Luke O. Frishkoff, assistant professor of biology at The University of Texas at Arlington. “But strangely, on the islands we studied off the coast of China, we found opposite patterns with the communities of birds under examination—there were more bird species in agriculture than in forested areas.”

Along with researchers from East China Normal University in Shanghai, the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Frishkoff examined birds living in the Zhoushan Archipelago, the largest chain of islands in China. They chose islands as a place to study birds because while islands make up only 5% of the Earth’s land mass, they support 20% of the world’s species of animals.

The team surveyed birds during the breeding season along 34 islands—some forested, some used for farmland, some more isolated than others. They particularly looked for small and remote islands with farmland habitats. Bird populations were tracked in four separate surveys over two years.

Read more at University of Texas at Arlington

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