Scientists have speculated for centuries about comets. Why do the become visible on an irregular interval? Why does the tail always point away from our sun? What are comets made of? Are they balls of ice, or more like an asteroid? Now NASA may finally get some concrete answers with a current mission that will land on a comet later this year! Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is releasing the Earthly equivalent of two glasses of water into space every second. The observations were made by the Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO), aboard the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft on June 6, 2014. The detection of water vapor has implications not only for cometary science, but also for mission planning, as the Rosetta team prepares the spacecraft to become the first ever to orbit a comet (planned for August), and the first to deploy a lander to its surface (planned for November 11).
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Forget marsupials, the world's strangest group of mammals are actually those in the Afrotheria order. This superorder of mammals contains a motley crew that at first glance seems to have nothing in common: from the biggest land animals on the planet—elephant—to tiny, rodent sized mammals such as tenrecs, hyraxes, golden moles, and sengis. But there's more: the group even includes marine mammals, such as dugongs and manatees. Finally, they also include as a member the most evolutionary-distinct mammal on the planet: the aardvark. While these species may seem entirely unrelated—and many were long shuffled into other groups—decades of genetic and morphological research now point to them all springing from the same tree. Last week, though, scientists announced the newest, and arguably cutest, member of Atrotheria: the Etendeka round-eared sengi. Described in the most recent edition of the Journal of Mammology, the Etendeka round-eared sengi (Macroscelides micus) was discovered in the northwest corner of Namibia.
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You may not realize it, but at this very moment, you’re probably wasting electricity. Don’t feel too bad though; the fact of the matter is, most people are using more electricity than they need. The home is filled with electronic devices, and keeping track of them all can be a real hassle. Most of us tend not to think about it. After all, what damage can possibly be done by leaving the lights on in a room or setting the thermostat a couple of degrees cooler? Well, more than you probably think. When it comes to electrical usage, one should think of the age-old economic theory, the Tragedy of the Commons. The principle is simple: Individuals acting rationally and in their own self-interest can actually act against the best interests of the group, by wasting a common resource needed by the collective whole. You may not believe that you’re using an exorbitant amount of electricity, but over time, this usage adds up. And this usage burdens the electrical grid and increases your spending. Thankfully, by being conscious of this fact, you can make changes that benefit your wallet, and the community as well.
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Parece que cada vez más cantidad de los pescados disponibles en el supermercado y en los restaurantes es de granja. ¿Es esto bueno o malo? Probablemente un poco de ambas cosas. La cría de peces en las piscifactorías no afecta a los peces silvestres en gran medida, pero las granjas de peces deben estar bien situadas y bien dirigidas para evitar problemas. ¡No son ecosistemas naturales!
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Durante décadas, los científicos del clima han tratado de explicar por qué los ciclos de la edad de hielo se hicieron más largos y más intensos hace unos 900,000 años, cambiando de ciclos de 41,000 años a ciclos de 100,000 años. En un nuevo estudio en la revista Science, los investigadores encontraron que las corrientes oceánicas profundas que mueven el calor alrededor del globo se estancaron o incluso se detuvieron, posiblemente debido a la ampliación de la cobertura de hielo en el norte. Las corrientes en desaceleración aumentaron el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono en el océano, dejando menos de éste en la atmósfera, lo que mantuvo la temperatura fría y dio un brinco del sistema climático a una nueva fase de edades de hielo más frías pero menos frecuentes, según lo considerado por los científicos.
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As part of the President's Climate Action Plan – Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing updates to its air standards for new municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. These updates would require certain landfills to capture additional landfill gas, which would reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and help further reduce pollution that harms public health.
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