Drugs that contain one or more fluorine atoms tend to be more stable, more powerful, and easier for the body to absorb. For those reasons, drug developers would like to be able to incorporate fluorine or a fluorine-containing unit known as trifluoromethyl into new experimental drugs, but this has been very difficult to do.

Now, a team of chemists at MIT and Boston College has discovered a new type of catalyst that can incorporate a trifluoromethyl group within a variety of organic molecules. The availability of these exceptionally efficient and selective catalysts should allow researchers to rapidly generate potential new fluorinated drugs, including antibiotics and anticancer agents, for testing.

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Computer models play a significant role in environmental policy, but offer only a partial picture of the industrial system

Whether it’s electric automobiles, renewable energy, carbon tax or sustainable consumption: Sustainable development requires strategies that meet people’s needs without harming the environment. Before such strategies are implemented, their potential impact on environment, economy, and society needs to be tested.

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Trees may be easy to spot on the plains of Africa but they are often overlooked as a source of income for farmers. A University of Illinois study shows trees on farms may help reduce rural poverty and maintain biodiversity.

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Cumplir con la promesa del Acuerdo de París de 2015 sobre el cambio climático, acerca del objetivo de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media mundial de la superficie desde tiempos preindustriales a 2 grados Celsius, requerirá una dramática transición de los combustibles fósiles hacia fuentes de energía bajas en carbono. Para trazar esa transición, los tomadores de decisiones recurren rutinariamente a escenarios de energía, que utilizan modelos computacionales para proyectar cambios a la combinación de energía que se necesitarán para cumplir con las metas climáticas y ambientales.

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Scientists from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research), Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, in collaboration with the firm BioDan Group, have presented a prototype for a 3D bioprinter that can create totally functional human skin. This skin is adequate for transplanting to patients or for use in research or the testing of cosmetic, chemical, and pharmaceutical products. 

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