Whilst visiting a national park in North Sulawesi wildlife photographer David Slater had his camera stolen - not by a thief, but by an inquisitive crested black macaque. The resulting selfies are causing controversy and raising questions about the ownership of images on the web. So just who does own the copyright when a monkey gets trigger-happy on your device? Slater was photographing the endangered monkeys when he left his camera unattended. One of the monkeys began playing with the camera and, fascinated by its reflection and the noise produced when it accidentally took a photo, it snapped hundreds of images of itself. Most were blurred and out of focus, but several of the photos produced unique up-close and personal self-portraits of the rare creature.
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Las abejas son conocidas por su fascinante estructura social. Una colonia de abejas es en realidad una máquina bien organizada, funciona en base a la buena comunicación, la defensa y la división del trabajo. Como todo insecto social, las abejas también han demostrado comunicación entre los compañeros cazadores-recolectores, que es una danza que usan para...
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In 2010, a powerful magnitude-8.8 earthquake struck off the coast of central Chile, rocking much of the country and producing tremor as far away as Argentina and Peru. But a new study suggests its effects were felt even farther away—in Antarctica. In the wake of the Maule temblor, the scientists found, several seismic stations on the frozen continent registered "ice quakes," probably due to fracturing of the ice as the planet's crust shook. Earthquakes are already known to affect Antarctica’s ice shelves, thanks to the tsunamis they can spawn. Tsunami waves can propagate for great distances across the ocean; if the waves reach Antarctica’s ice shelves - the floating platforms of ice surrounding the continent—they can push and pull on the ice, promoting fractures and ultimately helping large chunks of ice break off, or calve.
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“Hacer todo lo posible para combatir el cambio climático viene con numerosos beneficios, desde la reducción de la contaminación y los costos sanitarios asociados hasta fortalecer y diversificar la economía mediante un cambio hacia las energías renovables, entre otras medidas.” (David Suzuki) El concepto de la energía renovable ha adquirido gran importancia en los últimos años debido a la creciente necesidad de la conservación del medio ambiente. Todas las personas tienen que poner de su parte para ahorrar energía de manera que se pueda conservar el medio ambiente para las generaciones venideras. Por lo general la gente piensa en fuentes solares, eólicas e hidroeléctricas cuando piensan en energías renovables. Sin embargo, hay otra fuente de energía renovable que se crea en todo el mundo diariamente, que son los residuos. Como este concepto es aún muy nuevo, sólo hay unas pocas empresas que se han aventurado en este campo. Sin embargo, empresas como Northern California Compactor son pioneras en este campo con la introducción de diferentes compactadores de basura, que ayudan a...
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A commonly held belief that global warming will diminish oxygen concentrations in the ocean looks like it may not be entirely true. According to new research published in Science magazine, just the opposite is likely the case in the northern Pacific Ocean, with its anoxic zone expected to shrink in coming decades because of climate change. An international team of scientists came to that surprising conclusion after completing a detailed assessment of changes since 1850 in the eastern tropical northern Pacific's oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). An ocean layer beginning typically a few hundred to a thousand meters below the surface, an OMZ is by definition the zone with the lowest oxygen saturation in the water column. OMZs are a consequence of microbial respiration and can be hostile environments for marine life.
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For thousands of years turtles have been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases. Originally published in the journal Radiata and recently republished HerpDigest David S. Lee and Liao Shi Kun write, "[In Chinese culture] turtles are symbolic of long life, personal wealth, fertility, strength, and happy households."
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