A los astrofísicos les encanta buscar razones por las cuales las teorías actuales son correctas. Cuando se obtienen los datos que no se ajustan a la teoría actual, se ha iniciado la carrera para llegar a una explicación! El Universo es un lugar muy grande, lleno de incógnitas y los astrónomos que utilizan el Observatorio de Rayos X Chandra de la NASA, acaban de encontrar una nueva.
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Astro Physicists love to look for reasons current theories are correct. When data are obtained that do not fit a current theory, the race is on to come up with an explanation! The Universe is a big place, full of unknowns. Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have just catalogued a new one. "I couldn't believe my eyes," says Esra Bulbul of the Harvard Center for Astrophysics. "What we found, at first glance, could not be explained by known physics."
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Expanding and strengthening the community forest rights of indigenous groups and rural residents can make a major contribution to sequestering carbon and reducing CO2 emissions from deforestation, according to a new report. The World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Rights and Resources Initiative said that indigenous people and rural inhabitants in Latin America, Africa, and Asia have government-recognized rights to forests containing nearly 38 billion tons of carbon, equal to 29 times the annual emissions of all the world’s passenger vehicles. By enforcing community rights to those forests, the study said, governments can play a major role in tackling climate change. In the Brazilian Amazon, for example, deforestation rates are 11 times lower in community forests than in forests outside those areas. In areas where community forest rights are ignored, deforestation rates often soar. The report made five major recommendations, from better enforcement of community forest zones to compensating communities for the climate and other benefits their forests provide.
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El suelo del planeta libera unas 60 millones de toneladas de carbono a la atmósfera cada año, lo que es mucho más que la liberada por la combustión de combustibles fósiles. Esto ocurre a través de un proceso identificado como respiración del suelo. Esta enorme liberación de carbono se equilibra con la cantidad de carbono que entra en el sistema del suelo por la caída de hojas y otra materia de las plantas, así como por las actividades subterráneas de las raíces de las plantas. Estudios de corto plazo sobre el calentamiento han documentado que el aumento de las temperaturas aumenta la tasa de respiración del suelo. Como resultado...
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Saliva contains important substances helps us digest food. It also plays a part in keeping our mouths clean and healthy. Another newly discovered use? Making toxic plants less toxic. Not for us of course, but according to new research, moose and reindeer saliva can help can slow the growth of a toxic grass fungus, and subsequently make it less toxic for them, allowing the animals to graze on the grass without negative effects.
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The first ever example of a plant-eating dinosaur with feathers and scales has been discovered in Russia. Previously only flesh-eating dinosaurs were known to have had feathers so this new find indicates that all dinosaurs could have been feathered. The new dinosaur, named Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus as it comes from a site called Kulinda on the banks of the Olov River in Siberia, is described in a paper published today in Science.
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