Study: Your Home’s Water Quality Could Vary by the Room – and the Season


Is the water in your home actually safe, given that water utility companies in the U.S. aren’t required by law to monitor the water that specifically enters a building at its service line?

A study has found that the water quality of a home can differ in each room and change between seasons, challenging the assumption that the water in a public water system is the same as the water that passes through a building’s plumbing at any time of the year.

“This study reveals that drinking water in the service line water is clearly not the same quality at your faucet,” said Andrew Whelton, a Purdue University associate professor of civil engineering and environmental and ecological engineering. Researchers from Purdue, the University of Memphis and Michigan State University conducted the study, published in the journal Building and Environment.

The study is so far the largest and most intensive investigation of water quality over time and throughout a single house. The researchers collected data 58 times at the house over the course of a year, logging more than 222,000 hours and 2.4 billion records. A YouTube video of the work is available at

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