You Cannot Avoid Microplastics


No human being on this earth comes through life without breathing, drinking water and consuming salt. For the vast majority of us, this also means involuntary ingestion of microplastics.

Microplastics are everywhere – including in our drinking water, table salt and in the air that we breathe. Having studied the scope of microplastics in a number of countries, researchers are worried.

Given the lifetime inevitable exposure to microplastics, we urgently call for a better understanding of the potential hazards of microplastics to human health, says Dr Elvis Genbo Xu, an Assistant Professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Southern Denmark.

There are many studies on microplastics, especially concerning the oceans, but in this study Elvis Genbo Xu and his colleagues, Professor Huanghong Shi from East China Normal University and Professor Eddy Zeng from Jinan University in China, chose to focus on microplastics in table salt, drinking water and air.

Continue reading at University of Southern Denmark

Image via University of Southern Denmark