Huge swaths of North America are facing subfreezing temperatures this week as cold Arctic air pushes southward.
Climate Extremes in 2024 ‘Wreaking Havoc’ on the Global Water Cycle
2024 was another year of record-breaking temperatures, driving the global water cycle to new climate extremes and contributing to ferocious floods and crippling droughts, a new report led by The Australian National University (ANU) shows.
New Plant Species
Plant collections are full of surprises.
From E-waste to Gold: A Pathway to CO2 Sustainability
A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.
Ghana’s Declining Forest Reserves
In southwestern Ghana, a patchwork of tropical forest lies among widespread farmland dotted with towns.
Big Leap Forward for Environmentally Friendly ‘E-Textiles’ Technology
A research team led by the University of Southampton and UWE Bristol has shown wearable electronic textiles (e-textiles) can be both sustainable and biodegradable.